A Secondary Lesson on Stress & Working Out
Generic Level of Skill Proficiency
Control - Utilization
Generic Topic
Utilization of cardiovascular and resistance training, as it aligns with personal fitness SMART Goals
Essential Questions
What is stress?
How does stress affect our daily lives?
How does stress affect our daily lives?
Learning Objectives
PSYCHOMOTOR: Most students will be able to demonstrate a proper ten-minute, at a minimum, cardiovascular endurance warm-up on any piece of cardio equipment of their choice, before beginning any other part of their workout.
COGNITIVE: Most students will be able to read and discuss the article about stress relief and the benefits workout out has on stress, during our chalk-talk session of the lesson.
AFFECTIVE: Most students will be able to find and work with a friend during exercises that may require assistance by a spotter, such as bench-press, or for any medicine ball activities done during class.
HEALTH-RELATED FITNESS: Most students will be able to demonstrate a well-rounded workout with cardiovascular and resistance training that aligns with their personal SMART Goals, as well as a flexibility cool-down, by the end of class.
COGNITIVE: Most students will be able to read and discuss the article about stress relief and the benefits workout out has on stress, during our chalk-talk session of the lesson.
AFFECTIVE: Most students will be able to find and work with a friend during exercises that may require assistance by a spotter, such as bench-press, or for any medicine ball activities done during class.
HEALTH-RELATED FITNESS: Most students will be able to demonstrate a well-rounded workout with cardiovascular and resistance training that aligns with their personal SMART Goals, as well as a flexibility cool-down, by the end of class.
National Standards
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Equipment & Materials Needed
Overall Safety Considerations
Modifications for Differently-Abled Students
All exercises can be modified, as needed.
Students will have read stress article prior to class. Formal assessment will be completed as students complete their workout logs. Informal assessment will be done primarily during the chalk-talk and closure of the lesson, but as the teacher moves throughout the fitness center, informal discussions and observations will occur.
__X__ Teacher
_____ Peer __X__ Self |
_____ Rubric
_____ Checklist _____ Student Record (Self-Report) _____ Homework Assignment _____ Quiz/Exam _____ Student Project _____ Journal __X__ Portfolio __X__ Performance Tasks |
__X__ Question & Answer
_____ Survey __X__ Teacher Observation/Feedback |
Specific Parts of the Lesson
Organization & Management of Class
Instant Activity: Students will enter the fitness center, locate their workout log, ensure they have read the stress article (posted for homework on Google Classroom), and will engage in a cardiovascular endurance warm-up of their choice
Students will be called to the whiteboard for an informal assessment and discussion on the stress article.
Informal assessment:
Instant Activity: Students will enter the fitness center, locate their workout log, ensure they have read the stress article (posted for homework on Google Classroom), and will engage in a cardiovascular endurance warm-up of their choice
Students will be called to the whiteboard for an informal assessment and discussion on the stress article.
Informal assessment:
- Who has experienced stress?
- Who has a stress management technique they turn to when they feel overwhelmed? (allow students to share)
- What is stress?
- What can be a cause of stress?
- What are some coping strategies for stress?
- How might exercise influence one's stress level?
- Increase speed/intensity on cardiovascular training
- Increase weight on resistance training
- Decrease speed/intensity on cardiovascular training
- Decrease weight on resistance training